HPR Training Day with Derek Whitfield



Date: 03/05/2017
Time: 00:00 – 00:00
Location: Worcestershire

Vale and West GC are running a training day for HPR club members. This will take place on Wednesday May 3rd 2017 at Clicker Gundog Centre Ryden Farm, Charlton, Worcs. Our trainer for the day will be Derek Whitfield. He has owned various HPR’s for 40 years and has competed in Gundog Working Tests / Field Trials and until last year was the Field Trial Secretary for the HV club. He has also judged HPR’s at Gundog Working Tests. The aim of the day is for Derek to set us tasks that may be encountered at a GWT and to give us feedback and guidance on what a judge may be looking for in competition

The cost will be £15 and there are 5 places available. Observerplaces are available at a cost of £10